The Making of an Epic Food Blog and Recipe Site. Episode 1 – The Genesis.

“You’re going to make me a pescetarian recipe site, okay? Cool.”

That’s what my fiancee said to me over dinner one night eight weeks into COVID-19 lockdown. Though we’d been fortunate enough to be living in an area with nice scenery, we were getting pretty tired of the situation and yearning to stretch our creative muscles.

Inspired by some of the resourceful businesses we saw reinventing themselves and new businesses popping up around town, like several home-based bakeries in our neighborhood, the conversation turned to what we could create that could maybe make us some spare cash.

“What’s a problem we can solve? Or, like, something we can do better?”

“Well, remember how recipe sites didn’t used to suck? Maybe we could make a recipe site that still has recipes without all the nonsense?”

With some further discussion, we decided that we’d need to find a niche that wasn’t already overdone. As one pescetarian, and one pescetarian-leaning omnivore, we thought there wasn’t really a site that catered to this dietary choice and this might be something the world could use. Most of the narrow-focused blogs and recipe sites are Vegan, or Paleo, or fad-focused. Since we eat mostly pescetarian, it’s a diet we’re very familiar with and have plenty of experience cooking.

So with that, we decided to embark on the journey to creating a pescetarian recipe site and food blog.

After some research and way too much debate over how to spell pescetarian (or pescatarian), we registered a domain and began to build a site. There still really seems to be no real consensus on the spelling, although most sites seem to credit the etymology to the Italian word for fish ‘pesce’ so that’s where we landed.

One week later, armed with a handful of our favorite personal recipes and some smartphone photos, the site was live. Stay tuned to (hopefully) watch it grow!

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