How to Roast Garlic

Roasted GarlicThe aroma of roasting garlic is unmistakable.  For those who love garlic, but may not like the bite of raw garlic, roasting garlic offers a way to transform the vegetable into something softer and sweeter.  And fortunately, it’s easy to make!

What You Need to Roast Garlic

  • Fresh whole garlic bulb
  • Tin foil
  • Olive oil

Roasted Garlic Recipe

First you’ll need to get a whole garlic bulb.  Make sure it’s fresh and still firm as you don’t want your roasted garlic to be ruined by a rotten clove.

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F.

Then begin by peeling the outer papery layers off the outside of the bulb, leaving the cloves intact.

Next, with a sharp knife, carefully slice the tops of the cloves off leaving most of the cloves intact.  You will see the tops of each clove now poking out from the bulb.

Then set the bulb in the center of a square of tin foil and drizzle with olive oil. Don’t overdo it, you don’t need much to thoroughly coat the bulb.

Tightly wrap the bulb with the tin foil, being sure to keep the oil from dripping out. You’ll want the foil to be tightly wrapped so the garlic will steam itself in the packet.

Place the packet directly on the oven rack for 30-45 min until softened and fragrant.

Enjoy in your favorite recipe!

There you have it, the magic of oven-roasted garlic, a simple-to-make, delicious kitchen staple. If you have a favorite recipe for your roasted garlic, please share it with us; we’d love to hear what’s cooking.

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