Making of a Food Blog – Episode 2 – A quick update on progress to date

About one week ago we launched this site with our first six recipes. Over the last week, we’ve spent some time furiously cooking, improving our photography skills, and posting every original meal we make that’s worthy of sharing with you all.

We’ve also spent some time tweaking some of the site settings and handling some important elements to help us track our progress. We’ve added Analytics to the site and applied for our first advertising partner – Google Adsense. We plan to try to integrate ads tastefully because we hate all the recipe sites cluttered with ads popping all over.

Google has started to crawl the site, but most pages are not yet indexed so they don’t show in search results yet. It looks we may have had our first visitor to the site outside of ourselves – but appears to be a bot crawling.

Next up, we need to revisit the nutrition information for our existing recipes before we have too many recipes to make it feasible to go back through. We also need work on our social channels which we think will be a good way to promote the site with photos and videos of the recipes in action and build a following.

We are also looking into building out some helpful general resources on pescetarian diet, pescetarian meal planning, and pescetarian cooking, so be on the look out for those in the near future.

That’s all for now.

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