PastasCategoriesAll CategoriesBeveragesBreakfastDessertsMains PastasSaladsSaucesSidesSnacks and AppetizersRestricted DietsAll DietsGluten FreeLow CalorieLow FatLow LactoseLow SaltVeganVegetarianNewest firstOldest firstAlphabetical (A-Z)Alphabetical (Z-A)Highest RatedLowest RatedEverything Pasta BakeBy PescetarianPlateGet ready to clean out your fridge with this easy pasta bake!Pescetarian Smoked Salmon CarbonaraBy PescetarianPlateAn easy pescetarian version of the Italian classic using smoked salmon.Cheesy Tuna Pasta with VegetablesBy PescetarianPlateEasy weeknight recipe that's filling and satisfying.
Everything Pasta BakeBy PescetarianPlateGet ready to clean out your fridge with this easy pasta bake!
Pescetarian Smoked Salmon CarbonaraBy PescetarianPlateAn easy pescetarian version of the Italian classic using smoked salmon.
Cheesy Tuna Pasta with VegetablesBy PescetarianPlateEasy weeknight recipe that's filling and satisfying.